Monday, July 14, 2014 have you been?

Howdy Y'all! Long time no talk. What's been going on?

Well, we are still loving living here in Austin. We definitely feel we made the best choice for the family. We will be in the same home for a little longer. We really love our neighborhood, so when it's time to look for our own home this will probably be the area we stay in.  Would it be awesome to live in downtown Austin? Of course. However we are not spring chickens or party animals anymore, and most of the people that I trust to babysit my kids live up here in north Austin.

Atom is still loving his job. He doesn't have to ride his bike at the crack of dawn anymore, so now he is well rested too :)


He and Fletch have been busy building a lot of LEGO sets recently. We now have our LEGO Eiffel Tower back on display. 

Fletch graduated from Pre-K at Harmony Hill in May. He had a lot of fun his last year of pre-school.

He made a lot of friends and learned so much. He is taking Kinder-ready classes at the same school this summer and he seems more than ready to head to Kinder in the fall. His school is one block away, so we will be walking to school together.

One big accomplishment for Fletch has been learning to ride his bike without training wheels. It started off with quite a bit of tears, but then he just took off. We have been trying to get more practice in.

Fletch turned 5 in June, and we celebrated with friends by having a pool party. We had a good time splashing around. Fletch has had swim lessons and he is on the verge of swimming without floats.


Wyatt turned 2 in May. We celebrated with all his toddler pals at home with some Mickey Mouse treats. The boy loves him some Mickey Mouse.


It seems like once he turned 2 his vocabulary exploded. He loves to talk, to EVERYONE. He is a social butterfly. He had his first trip to the ER after falling off his chair and whacking his eyebrow on the way down. It was not a very big boo-boo, but all the blood had us a little freaked out. He has a tiny scar, but they say chicks dig scars right? He had all the nurses melting with his "Hi friends!" and those dimples.

First trip to the ER for this one. I am sure it won't be the last.

Wyatt really seems to be a man's man. He loves tools and sports. He'll gladly give high fives and fist bumps upon request. He even loves to point out the beer aisle at the grocery store. 


It is a lot of fun watching him grow. It's easy to see I have two different boys now, unlike when Wyatt was a baby and I was convinced someone photocopied Fletch. 

I completely forgot to introduce the newest member of our family! Please give a warm welcome to our new pup Pepper. 

We adopted our adorable mutt from the Austin Humane Society in April. A good friend of ours is a volunteer there and she was happy to help us find our new family pet. How could you say no to that face? She is about a year old, but still a puppy through and through. We did some obedience classes last month, but we are still training her. She's got a lot of love to give :) 

I have been job hunting since May, but it seems like I won't be landing an art teacher job this year. I am a little disappointed, but I am throwing myself into the school system a different way. I am already a board member of the PTA at Fletch's school. Hopefully that will help me get my foot in the door and I will also get to be involved at Fletch's school. Even though I had planned on working, I am looking forward to some good one-on-one time with my lil' guy Wyatt.

I have been staying busy in the craft room, knitting and hanging with my favorite ladies, my mom's group. We recently took a weekend trip to the lake and had way too much fun. These women light up my life. They say it takes a village, and these people are my village. 


Yeah, that's me in a bikini. I have lost about 20 pounds since February thanks to a friendly challenge and boot camp classes. I am feeling like a rock star, so I decided to challenge myself further by signing up for a sprint triathlon in September. 

I hope your summer has been great so far! We still have a lot to look forward to around here. We'll be headed to the beach next month and Fletch has a few summer camps he is attending. Then Aunt Donna and Uncle Craig are coming for a visit during Labor Day weekend. We like to keep busy around here! (and we also love visitors)

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